Port Orange has the lowest violent crime rate of any city in Volusia County with a population over 56,000. This is one-tenth the state average. No doubt, the Port Orange Police Department provides unparalleled protection and services for its’ citizens. The city of Port Orange employs 86 full-time sworn officers, 6 part-time officer, 21 non-officer employees and 40 Volunteers in Police Services. They provide law-enforcement and animal control services throughout the city of Port Orange. The police department subscribes to “community policing,” and strives to form strong community bonds. Officers are trained to give careful consideration to each crime reported and to be client oriented. Gerald Monahan Jr. has served as the Port Orange Police Department‘s Chief of Police since August 1999. The Port Orange Police Department is located at 4545 Clyde Morris Blvd., Port Orange, Florida 32129.

Main Number 386-506-5800
Chief of Police 386-506-5870
Training 386-506-5814
Crime Prevention 386-506-5822
Records 386-506-5801, 02, 03, 04, or 05
Complaint Desk 386-506-5837
Victim Advocate 386-506-5820
Volunteers 386-506-5825


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